Paint By Numbers For Adults – Flight of a Monarch Butterfly


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The Flight of a Monarch Butterfly painting by Anthony J Padgett is one that is more than what meets the eye. It’s a story of evolution and life. From a caterpillar to a full-grown butterfly. From a tiny bud to a flower in its full bloom, the painting depicts a story of growth and change. It shows us that evolution is a necessary part of life. With the monarch butterflies, that is to pollinate and bring even more life to earth. They are an important part of nature’s survival.

If you’re new to painting, this easy paint by number is the perfect place to start. It’s the best way to practice the basics of painting like color matching or even as simple as how to hold a brush with steady hands. The details of the canvas are not very complex but it still turns out just as beautiful when you finish the DIY art kit.

Kit includes: paint, brushes, printed canvas, and project instructions.